Women Seriously Exhibit

Women Seriously
Monday, October 27, 2014 - 20:00
Initiative Type: 

If we are serious about peace, we must take women seriously. Not only are women half the world's population, they bring to the peace table issues that are not seen and experienced -- and will not be brought up -- by men. It just makes sense but we are still not doing it.

So we are powering a social movement that will demand that governments and international organizations like the United Nations take women seriously.


Visit our interactive exhibit on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 from 10 am to 5 pm at the entrance of the General Assembly building, United Nations headquarters, New York.

Sign up to join the global movement and show your support by sitting at the Women's Peace Table.

We hope to have 20 million people join the global campaign by October 2015 -- during the 15th anniversary of UNSCR 1325, the 20th anniversary of Beijing, and the 70th anniversary of the UN -- starting with you!Invite your friends and entire network and let's tell the world to take women seriously. No more waiting!

Visit www.womenseriously.org to know more.

Document PDF: 
