Security Council's Open Debate on Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict

On Tuesday, 12 February 2013, the Security Council held an open debate on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict. After the debate, a presidential statement [S/PRST/2013/2] was drafted which expressed the Security Council's deep concerns on the immense suffering by civilians during armed conflict. Several resolutions reaffirmed by the presidential statement encompassed the role of Women, Peace and Security.

Protection from sexual and gender-based violence was commonly stressed during the debate. Most delegations mentioned that women and children are the target of sexual abuse and torture, but some speakers (including the Secretary-General) also noticed that sexual violence concerns men and boys to an increasing extent.

Not one of the nearly 70 speakers emphasized the active role of women in protection efforts despite the increased significance of sexual and gender-based violence to the peace and security agenda.

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