fem'TALK: ENews bulletin of femLINKPACIFIC: The Thirteen 25 Report

Saturday, August 1, 2009
femLINKPACIFIC; Media Initiatives for Women

The ENews bulletin of femLINKPACIFIC: Media Initiatives for Women

In this bulletin:
Page 1: Keeping Thirteen 25 in Check

Page 3: An Open Letter to Pacific Leaders from the GEAR Campaign: member states need to adopt a resolution to create a new, strengthened and consolidated gender entity based on option D, the composite model, in September 2009 in order that work to create the entity can begin

Page 7: Women, Peace and Human Security Reports from femLINKPACIFIC's
rural and regional women's media network

Page 20: A Special Report from Vanuatu: Jenny Ligo is now Vanuatu's Child Protection Officer

Page 21: Looking ahead to the International Day of Peace: In this call to
action, we invite peace groups, civil society and as well as mainstream and
community media groups to forge alliances to not only celebrate a Culture of Peace but to also create media and community spaces to address the theme as what it means for our region.

Page 24: Fiji Women's Civil Society News: Establishment of the Western Branch of the Fiji Cancer Society by Cherie Arts and
Poor Relief Society farewells Dr. Garimella

Document PDF: 

The Thirteen 25 Report, Media Initiatives for Women (2009).