Security Council Resolution 2363: Preamble

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Displacement and Humanitarian Response
Security Council Agenda Geographical Topic: 


Noting that inter-communal conflicts remain one of the main sources of violence in Darfur and expressing concern at ongoing inter-communal conflict over land, access to resources, migration issues and tribal rivalries, including with the involvement of paramilitary units and tribal militias, as well as at the persistence of attacks against civilians, sexual and gender-based violence

Welcoming the increased presence of the Sudanese Police in Darfur, as compared to previous years, urging the Government of Sudan to continue to increase the number and presence of police in Darfur, underlining the importance of effective police and rule of law institutions to establishing a protective environment and combating impunity in line with international human rights standards and noting that whilst the Sudanese Police have increased their presence in Darfur, they lack capacity to fully cover all the localities and protect communities and that the presence and capacity of justice and corrections institutions across Darfur is limited and impunity for serious crimes remains widespread, acknowledging efforts by the local governments to restore law and order through the deployment of additional police, corrections and judicial human and material resources across Darfur, noting that these efforts should be consolidated and expanded to enhance the protective environment for the civilian population, without any discrimination, particularly with respect to violations and abuses of women’s rights and sexual and gender-based violence as well as violations and abuses against children and recalling the importance of national political leadership towards that goal,


Noting some improvements in the protective environment, expressing concern that IDPs continue to face grave security challenges including being killed, raped, or harassed as they conduct life-sustaining activities outside the camps and at the increase in human rights violations and abuses in 2016 and the first quarter in 2017 and the worrying levels of conflict-related sexual and gender based violence and grave violations against children,


human rights law and international humanitarian law, stressing the importance that the Council attaches to ending impunity including through ensuring accountability and bringing to justice the perpetrators of crimes, including sexual and gender-based violence, committed by all parties in Darfur, urging the Government of Sudan to comply with its obligations in this respect, welcoming the ongoing investigations by the Special Prosecutor for Darfur appointed by the Government of Sudan, particularly with respect to cases of sexual and gender based violence, and stressing the need for further progress in this regard with respect to perpetrators on all sides, reiterating the call for swift progress on the draft Memorandum of Understanding providing for UNAMID and African Union observation of the proceedings of the Special Court, and calling on the Government of Sudan swiftly to investigate attacks against UNAMID, and to bring the perpetrators to justice,
