Voice to Action – Advancing Gender Equality in the SDGs

 The UGCS through a series of multi-stakeholder consultations developed “Voice to Action: Advancing Gender Equality in the SDGs”, a publication that lays the foundation for engagement on the SDGs in Uganda. The publication provides a domesticated, localized set of women’s critical issues and indicators for Ugandan women to attain sustainable development in the next 15 years.

The document is aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals and Targets and Uganda’s national planning framework -NDP II. It identifies and collates priority issues within the 17 SDGs that are crucial in the achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment. More specifically, the publication aims to achieve the following: develop indicators for women, citizens, government and CSOs to measure progress towards achieving the proposed goals and targets; assess the outstanding gender issues preventing women from attaining their full development potential and; align women’s accountability demands with national development plans, national legal and policy frameworks.