Security Council Open Debate on the Cooperation between the UN and Regional and Sub-Regional Organizations, December 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

On 16 December 2014, the Security Council held an open debate on the Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations. The primary concern for speakers in the all-day debate was the relationship between the United Nations and the regional partnership with the African Union. Speakers highlighted that stronger partnerships are important for conflict prevention, crisis management, the protection of civilians and peacebuilding. A presidential statement (S/PRST/2014/27) was also issued, which emphasized addressing the importance of increased cooperation between regional actors. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon gave opening remarks at the debate, and there were 39 speakers in attendance.

Gender Analysis

Only 6 speakers used gendered language in their statements. Of these 6 speakers, only 1 speaker discussed sexual and gender-based violence, 4 included women in their suggestions for conflict prevention and 2 speakers noted the importance of protecting women. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon did not include Women, Peace and Security language in his opening remarks, however, the Presidential Statement commented on the role of regional cooperation in the protection of civilians, especially women and children. Undoubtedly, the implementation of SCR 2122 continues to remain limited. The Women Peace and Security agenda needs to integrated into the Security Council's efforts, and implementation needs be prioritized at the forefront of all peace and security efforts.

General Analysis

All of the speakers addressed the need for more coordination between the African Union (AU) and the United Nations (UN) on issues of policing, the protection of civilians, security-sector reform and post-conflict reconstruction. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon indicated that there was a need for stronger political partnerships with a clear strategic vision to have better joint logistical capabilities. In addition to cooperation between the AU and UN, the Secretary General emphasized including the European Union in such discussions. In highlighting the goals of strengthened regional cooperation, the Council expressed the importance of counterterrorism efforts and corruption-free good governance which would crack down on both money-laundering and related illegal financial transactions. There needs to be more political will moving forward for awareness and implementation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda.

Speakers from the following countries made statements at the debate. Those who referenced gender are in bold.

Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, India, Indonesia, Ireland, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Namibia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, Rwanda, Slovakia, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, the United Kingdom and the United States.



UN Debate Transcript