Women Students Prevent Incest and Help Victims

RAHI Foundation
Monday, July 19, 2004 - 20:00
Southern Asia
PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Human Rights
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Initiative Type: 

Studies conducted by RAHI amongst women college students in India have shown that incest/child sexual abuse is prevalent and impacts their lives. Due to silence on this issue, there is little information, training or services. Young women want access to information and healing resources and feel the need to be engaged in social action for prevention and intervention. Our project, aimed at women college students of Delhi, addresses these needs and is the only project of its kind in the country.

Through this project, theatre, films, exhibitions, lectures, communication material production and distribution, campus campaigns, developing training manuals, courses, disclosure workshops, team-building, peer leader training, self-help groups and one-on-one counseling sessions will be organized for victims.

The project, which costs approximately $40,000, will enable students to be empowered and consequently work with peers as educators and helpers – providing counseling services for victims; early intervention programs, etc so that victims break cycle of abuse and make healthy life choices.

To learn more and/or contribute to this project, please click HERE, or contact Anuja Gupta, Executive Director, 49 A, Kalkaji, 2nd Floor, New Delhi, Delhi 110019, India. Tel: 91-11-26238466.