NAP Initiative

PeaceWomen/WILPF is pleased to announce that we have started a UNSCR 1325 National Action Plan (NAP) Initiative. This initiative will join PeaceWomen's website as another tool for information sharing, awareness raising, and advocacy.

The NAP initiative will provide a comparative analysis of the 32 SCR 1325 NAPs, showcasing the many methods available to national stakeholders as they develop new, or evaluate and revise existing action plans. PeaceWomen/WILPF will highlight good practices at the national level both in the content of NAPs as well as the process through which the NAPS were developed. As a web-based platform, the NAP initiative will allow individuals to search existing NAPs for their priority areas, including policy themes of prevention and disarmament, as well as policy implementation practices for budgeting allocation and civil society involvement. The benefit of such an approach to information sharing lies in its ability to be translated into actionable guidance for government and civil society actors. It can similarly be leveraged by CSO actors to hold their governments accountable to implement laws and stated commitments. Furthermore, analyzing and providing this information raises awareness of the women, peace and security resolutions with the people who can ensure their effective implementation on the ground.

PeaceWomen/WILPF is particularly excited to take on this initiative in the context of WILPF's engagement in the NAP processes of Sweden, Australia, the DRC, and most recently the U.S. WILPF sections. Other CSO actors are encouraged to share their experiences and provide feedback over the course of developing this initiative. This initiative ultimately aims to support and strengthen CSO' capacity to engage in NAP processes.

Contact: Isabelle Cutting
Phone: + 1 212 682 1265