The U.S. Section of WILPF has advocated for SCR 1325 and other issues of Women, Peace and Security and is currently
campaigning. Active Participation is encouraged.
US-WILPF Campaign includes:
1. Branch Actions to raise awareness of UN SCR 1325 and outreach on the Whistleblower Movie
2. The creation and distribution of a
WILPF U.S. Policy Paper on the 1325 NAP.
3. Five civil society consultations / listening sessions hosted by WILPF.
Background: In October 2010, Secretary of the State, Hillary Rodham Clinton
announced her commitment to creating and implementing a U.S. 1325 National Action Plan (NAP) by October 2011 recognizing that “countries are more peaceful and prosperous when women are accorded full and equal rights and opportunity." Upon hearing the announcement, US-WILPF's Advancing Human Rights 1325 Committee immediately drafted a
petition affirming the U.S.'s commitment and developed a multi-dimensional approach to ensure that the U.S. 1325 NAP would not merely be a tool for making war safe for woman, BUT would serve! to advance the status of women everywhere and prevent future wars. During the month of September WILPF US plans to host 5 civil society consultations to provide input and direction on the development of U.S. 1325 NAP with key officials from the Secretary's Office of Global Women's Issues under the U.S. State Department currently responsible for the drafting the U.S. NAP.
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