Security Council Resolution 2448: OP16

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

OP16. Recalls the successful conduct of pre-DDR activities and Community Violence Reduction (CVR) programmes, welcomes the completion of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration pilot project with the integration of former elements of armed groups into the CAR armed forces, and urges the CAR Authorities to address the presence and activity of armed groups in the CAR by implementing a comprehensive strategy that prioritizes dialogue and the urgent implementation of an inclusive, gender-sensitive and effective DDR as well as repatriation (DDRR) in the case of foreign fighters, including children formerly associated with armed forces and groups, while respecting the need to fight against impunity, to be implemented in coherence with SSR which ensures civilian oversight of defence and national security forces, with the support of the international community;