Fact Sheet: Implementation of UNSCR 1820 in Post-Conflict Liberia

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Western Africa

During the prolonged 14 years of civil war in Liberia sexual and gender based violence was a characterizing feature of the conflict. Even after the conflict SGBV continues to be of serious problem facing women and children in Liberia. For example rape is currently the number one crime reported to the Liberia National Police. A recent study conducted in the 15 counties of Liberia indicated that survivors are between the ages of 10 and 19. The overall socio economic situation, has also exposed many women and girls to sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA). A SEA Evaluation conducted in six counties indicates that the frequency of SEA in communities including schools and entertainment centres is high. The impact of sexual and gender based violence is felt on the society at large but mostly by the survivor.

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Fact Sheet: Implementation of UNSCR 1820 in Post-Conflict Liberia