UN-INSTRAW Newsletter, August 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Women's Economic Empowerment at Local Level
Gammarth, Tunisia, 28-30 July 2010. The Center of Arab Women for Training and Research (CAWTAR) organized a workshop on "Strengthening Women's Leadership at the local level: between politics and economics", in partnership with UN-INSTRAW and funded by the Spanish Government and OXFAM. The workshop was attended by women elected in governorates and political parties, representatives of organizations supporting local development and beneficiaries of development projects in the country. Its objective was to identify priorities for action to strengthen women's economic empowerment at local level.

UN-INSTRAW/CAWTAR Project in Joint Activity with PROCASUR
Rabat, Morocco, August 2010 - The UN-INSTRAW/CAWTAR project, jointly with the Regional Programme Pathway for Learning (PROCASUR) organization, places a call for applications in a training activity to assist in integrating women in the development process of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. In addition to learning about the best practices, the Pathway for Learning also aims at highlighting the knowledge acquired by institutions, associations, local organizations and politicians, and enabling them to share and exchange the experience acquired with the different actors who work on behalf of women's political participation. The process of sharing knowledge and expertise will be supported by a series of training prerequisites. The capitalization of knowledge in the form of an innovation plan drafted by the visiting participants represents the starting point for new experiences that will be implemented by them in their communities.
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Analysis of the Guatemalan Electoral System from a Gender Perspective
Guatemala City, Guatemala, 6 August 2010 - INSTRAW-UN-Women presented in Guatemala City on Friday, August 6th, the results of the study “Analysis of the Guatemalan Electoral System from a Gender Perspective”. Based on the principle of the Techno-Political tool Olympia and from the country's historical, social and political context, it analyzes the electoral system and its impact on the political participation and representation of women.
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Virtual Discussion - Role of Armed Forces in Implementing UNSCR 1325
Santo Domingo, 03 August 2010 – UN-INSTRAW is pleased to announce the launching of a three-week virtual discussion to highlight existing efforts and to strengthen the analysis and replication of good practices on the role of armed forces in the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325).
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New Gender Training for Peacekeepers Map
30 August 2010 - The UN-INSTRAW Gender, Peace and Security Programme announces the launch of the new gender training for peacekeepers map which provides a global overview of pre-deployment and in-mission gender training from relevant training officials. By scrolling over the locations, the user will find in-depth information on gender mainstreaming and training activities from each of the facilities and missions.
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Costa Rica: Political Participation and Representation of Women
31 August 2010 - INSTRAW-UN Women presented the study entitled “The Electoral System of Costa Rica in Women's Political Participation and Representation”, in which the context of political rights, women's citizenship and the Costa Rican Electoral System is analyzed, based on the techno-political tool Olympia created by UN-INSTRAW.
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Global Gender News

Campaign “Muévete por la Igualdad”
Madrid, Spain, 5 July 2010 – The Campaign Muévete por la Igualdad” organized a debate entitled “How the EU, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and civil society can contribute to integrate a gender dimension into the MDG+10?” at the offices of the European Commission in Spain.Read more

Debate on Gender in Development and Aid Effectiveness

Madrid, Spain, 8 July 2010 -RED GEDEA, affiliated with the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), organized a debate entitled “Gender in Development and Aid Effectiveness” in the context of a collaboration agreement with the Spanish Office of Development Planning and Policy Evaluation (DGPOLDE). The debate allowed reflecting on Aid Effectiveness through the lens of gender equality and women's empowerment.
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UN-INSTRAW Participates in Gender Audit
Santo Domingo, Dominican Rep., 27 July 2010 - The Minister for Women's Affairs of the Dominican Republic, Alejandrina Germán, made known the Gender Audit Municipal Programme (MAG) implemented from October 2008 until March 2009 by the Departments of Public Policy and Education, in coordination with Progressio, UN-INSTRAW, DEMUCA Foundation (Fundación para el Desarrollo local y Fortalecimiento de Centro América y el Caribe) and nine City Halls of the Dominican Republic.
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Municipal Women Leaders Make Commitment to Change Life in Municipalities
Ibarra, Ecuador, 28-30 July 2010 – The National Assembly of Municipal Women Leaders of Ecuador (AMUME) made a joint commitment with the Ministries of Economic and Social Inclusion and the Policy Coordinator, to change women's lives by implementing actions to eliminate gender violence and political harassment.
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Nordic Model on Trafficking, Prostitution, Sex Industry Outpaces other Countries' Efforts
21 July 2010 - Nordic countries top the charts in gender equality and outpace other countries in stopping the sex trade by focusing their attention on unnoticed perpetrators - the mainly male purchasers of women and children in prostitution. By officially recognizing prostitution as a violation to gender equality, Sweden has implemented a legislation that recognizes that it is unacceptable to purchase women for sexual exploitation.
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EU Implementation of UNSCR 1325 and 1820
Brussels, Belgium, 14 July 2010 - The European Union (EU) has developed a series of indicators for measuring the EU action taken under its women, peace and security commitments, as defined in the Comprehensive Approach and the operational paper ‘Implementation of UNSCR 1325 as reinforced by UNSCR 1820 in the context of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP)'.
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