Underlining the importance of operationally capable, professional, inclusive
Security Council Agenda Geographical Topic:
Underlining the importance of operationally capable, professional, inclusive
and sustainable Afghan National Security Forces for meeting Afghanistan’s security
needs, with a view to lasting peace, security and stability, stressing the long-term
commitment, beyond 2014, and into the Transformation Decade (2015-2024), of the
international community to support the further development, including training, and
professionalization of the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces, and the
recruitment and retention of women to the Afghan National Defence and Security
Forces, acknowledging the contribution of Afghanistan’s partners to peace and
security in Afghanistan, noting the conclusion of the ISAF Mission at the end of
2014, and welcoming the agreement between NATO and Afghanistan which led to
the establishment on 1 January 2015 of the non-combat Resolute Support Mission,
for training, advising and assisting the Afghan National Defence and Security
Forces at the invitation of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, noting the
responsibility of the Government of Afghanistan to sustain a sufficient and capable
ANDSF, noting also NATO and contributing partners’ contribution to the financial
sustainment of the ANDSF and the long-term NATO-Afghanistan Enduring
Partnership, with a clear view to the assumption, no later than 2024, of full financial
responsibility for its own security forces by the Government of Afghanistan and
recalling in this context resolution 2189 (2014),