It's Time 2015

Baltimore Convention Center

It’s Time 2015 is a cross-sector initiative bringing women and men together to achieve gender equity and empower women and girls at all levels to be leaders. Expected to draw attendees representing a full spectrum of social and economic diversity, the inaugural summit will take place May 1-3, 2015 in the host city of Baltimore, while satellite events occur simultaneously in partner cities across the U.S.

Women and men working together around the world can shift power, resources and attitudes to end violence, transform conflict and reach our highest humanity. In the decades ahead we must strengthen partnerships between global social movements to heal and regenerate our world. It’s time to prepare for a just, peaceful, and sustainable future for all of the children across the world.

Dr. Abigail Ruane, PeaceWomen Program Manager, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) will speak on May 3rd from 10:45 AM - 12:45 PM. To read more on this session, click here


Document PDF: 

ITN Fact Sheet