Statement of GREECE at UNGA73

“As Greece has after all done: by granting citizenship to second generation immigrants born and raised in our country, by establishing the legal recognition of gender identity and the institutionalization of civil partnership and the deepening the rights of the Muslim minority.”

Statement of MAURITIUS at UNGA73

“Mauritius reiterates its call for renewed and genuine international efforts for negotiations towards an early realization of the two-state solution, with an independent and viable Palestine, existing side by side and at peace with the State of Israel.

Statement of MALAYSIA at UNGA73

“It is the anger and frustration of the Palestinians and their sympathisers that cause them to resort to what we call terrorism. But it is important to acknowledge that any act which terrify people also constitute terrorism. And states dropping bombs or launching rockets which maim and kill innocent people also terrify people. These are also acts of terrorism.”

Statement of BULGARIA at UNGA73

“Alongside these dire statistics, there is no real progress in implementing the Minsk agreement, which we think is the only way to find a peaceful and sustainable solution to the conflict. The existing differences in terms of deployment of international peacekeeping forces in Eastern Ukraine under the auspices of the UN have also not been overcome.”

Statement of GUYANA at UNGA73

“Guyana fully recognizes the necessary, nay critical, contribution of women and girls to its sustainable development. Women and girls constitute more than half the world's population and the underutilization of their potential represents a serious loss of resources in the global effort to promote human development.

Statement of ALBANIA at UNGA73

“Another issue of serious concern threatening peace and security, is the ongoing conflict in Syria. We support all the actions taken by the international actors to end the conflict and stop the use of chemical weapons.”
