Security Council Resolution 2447


Resolution 2447, among other actions, requests:

  • the Secretary-General to examine ways to strengthen United Nations assistance to police, justice and corrections institutions to host countries and submit recommendations, for the consideration of the Security Council, taking into account the challenging, complex and evolving nature of current conflicts; 
  • the United Nations to emphasize prevention and response to conflict related sexual and gender-based violence and support to victims, including in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes and security sector reform, and, with the consent of the host government, assist national authorities to strengthen the rule of law, for instance through the work of the Team of Experts on the Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict;
  • and recalling its resolution 2242 (2015) and its request that the SecretaryGeneral initiate, in collaboration with Member States, a revised strategy to double the numbers of women in police contingents of United Nations peacekeeping operations by 2020, further requests that this strategy ensures the full, effective and meaningful participation of women in all aspects of peacekeeping, and that this revised strategy is presented to the Security Council by March 2019.