
UN Security Council Member: 
Conflict Country: 

NWI, Women for Peace: Nobel Women's Initiative Delegation to Thai-Burma Border, South Sudan, Chad-Darfur Area, 2008

PLAN, Because I am a Girl, 2008

Global Monitoring Checklist on Women, Peace, and Security

The Impact of the Crisis on Women in Central Asia

If Not Now, When? Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Refugee, Internally Displaced and Post-Conflict Settings: A Global Overview, RHRC, 2002

UNSC Resolution 1325: From a South Asia Perspective, 2008

Gender-Based Violence: Emerging Issues in Programs Serving Displaced Populations, RHRC, 2002

IWTC, Implementation of UNSCR 1325 in the Philippines, 2008

KWO, State of Terror: The Ongoing Rape, Murder, Torture and Forced Labour Suffered by Women Living Under the Burmese Military Regime in Karen State, 2007

A Stone in the Water: Report of the Roundtables with Afghan-Canadian Women on the Question of the Application UN Security Council Resolution 1325 in Afghanistan, Canadian Comm WPS; YWCA, 2002
